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It Ain't Easy - ...watching this movie (Posted May 3, 2024)

The Mercenary - Pasta suprema! (Posted April 23, 2024)
Pulse - Not a flatliner... but its beat is sometimes a little irregular (Posted April 13, 2024)
Shadow Of The Hawk - Haaaaawwwwkkkk-ptu! (Posted April 3, 2024)
The Boy And The Pirates - "Mr. Big" makes something insignificant (Posted March 24, 2024)
One-Armed Executioner - You've got to hand it to him (Posted March 14, 2024)
The Prize Winner Of Defiance, Ohio - An award-worthy drama (Posted March 4, 2024)

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"The Unknown Movies," "The Unknown Movies Page," title image, reviews, and all other related material copyright 1998 - 2024 by Keith Bailey. All rights reserved. Replication of this material without written permission is prohibited. Images drawn from films are copyrighted by their creators and are used for the purposes of review.

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