The Cross And The Switchblade
Director: Don Murray
Cast: Pat Boone, Erik Estrada, Jacqueline Giroux
Over the
years, I have made countless observations on mankind and its various
practices and beliefs. For example, when I once worked at a dollar
store, I observed that when you are working a cash register and start
getting low on change, one subsequent customer after another will
suddenly feel that it's perfectly okay to give you twenty dollar bills
for a purchase totalling only one dollar and forty cents. And when you
go to a bank, the more you are in a hurry to do your business in the
bank and leave in order to do other things on your "to do" list for
that day, the customers in the (always) long line ahead of you will
suddenly get in their minds to take an extraordinary time with the
tellers when they reach them. But there is one certain aspect of
humanity I have found to be true more often than not ever since I was
first old enough to observe my fellow man. And that is that just about
everybody thinks that they are right in the way that they think and
feel about just about any topic you can imagine. This can be found in
just about any kind of character you personally come across or hear
about, whether it is a parent who feels they know the best way to
discipline their child, to a drug lord who justifies his various
criminal activities by looking at the immense wealth and power he has
managed to gain from his crimes. I have to admit that I too think I am
correct in every aspect of myself, from my opinions to my actions. The
difference that there is with my case is that I am smart enough to know
that I am very smart, so I know for sure I am saying and doing the
right things.
Anyway, it is interesting to look at how just about
everybody who feels that they are correct does with that realization.
Many times, the result is that they try to convince other people to
switch their thinking and beliefs to theirs. In my case, I have done
this through this web site, to convince the public to give obscure
movies a try because a lot of them are actually good. Though I have
been somewhat careful with this; I don't try to give a real hard sell
to my movie opinions, because I believe that gentle persuasion is
better than force. Because of this belief of mine, I often have a hard
time accepting people trying extremely hard to convert other people's
opinions and beliefs. Quite often that includes religious people who
try to convert a person's faith. This can range from the wacky comic
book tracts that Jack Chick put out to an ordinary churchgoer trying to
convert a neighbor of his who has a different faith. Though I am sure
that many of these people have their hearts in the right place,
frequently I find that their die-hard belief that their religion is
right makes them forget tact and respect. Years ago, I watched the
classic silent 1919 D. W. Griffith movie Broken Blossoms,
and one scene that I remember quite vividly to this day was an early
moment in the movie where the Chinese immigrant character bumps into a
native Londoner who tells the Chinese man that he is headed to China in
order to convert "the heathens" there. I remember thinking while
watching that scene that the Chinese character should have responded by
saying something like, "In China, we consider the English heathens."
As you could probably see from what I just wrote in the
previous paragraph, I don't often look fondly on religious people who
make such a great effort to convert various people's beliefs and faith.
Still, I have to admit that there are some religious individuals that
have taken it upon themselves to preach the word that do give me some
interest. I'm mainly talking about religious people who attempt to
convert those who have gone down a dark path - criminal types. Though I
can sort of understand why people who have been imprisoned might find
the light - they have in a way hit rock bottom with their past belief
system - it's always been a little hard for me to understand how
criminal types who are free in society could be transformed into
law-abiding citizen by religion. But apparently it has happened a
number of times. So when I came across The Cross And The
I was especially interested in watching it, since the movie was a
telling of the true story of a pastor who exposed himself to street
gangs in order to spread the word of his faith - and had success. The
true-life pastor was David Wilkerson, who is played in the movie by Pat
Boone (Journey To
The Center Of The Earth).
In the late 1950s, Wilkerson felt he got a calling from God to leave
Pennsylvania and go to New York City, and not just to enter another
church and
simply resume the pastor role he played in Pennsylvania. Wilkerson felt
his true calling was to preach to the various youth gangs in New York
City, to show the gang members that turning to God was a better way to
live than engaging in criminal activities. The movie shows the various
difficulties Wilkerson faced in starting his crusade and then
continuing it, including the work and challenges he faced with one
particular gang member, a youth named Nicky Cruz (Estrada, Trackdown).
feel that I should admit that the movie's theme of pushing religion
onto various non-believers wasn't the only obstacle right from the
start for me. Another issue I had when I sat down to watch the movie
was that I've never been a big fan of Pat Boone, from his music to his
politics. But I still had a little, ahem, faith the end results could
interesting. So how was it? Well, I'll start with the main figure of
the movie, which as I said earlier was played by Boone. Even though the
real-life events of the movie took place in the late 1950s, the
character of David Wilkerson, at least here, seems annoyingly naive. In
his first scene, he barges into a courtroom to try to help gang youths
going through a trial, and subsequently he's seen sleeping in his car
deep in the New York City ghetto. When he tries to approach gang
youths, he pretty much just goes into an instant "God loves you" speech
without seemingly considering the circumstances or attitudes the youths
may be in at the time. That's bad enough, but what makes it worse is
that we don't really see what is driving this guy to preach and save
people. We learn he left a ministry in Philadelphia and has a pregnant
wife back home, but that's it.
So in the end, he pretty much comes across as a shallow one-note
character. With such a limited scope to this preacher, it shouldn't
come as much as a surprise that actor Pat Boone (who was never much of
an actor in the first place) can't seem to do much with what's given to
him in the script. The best he can do is convincingly act the times the
character really does seem to be not fully comprehending New York City
reality, and at his worst his acting style seems either gee-whiz or
somewhat constipated.
Somewhat better in the acting department of this movie
is the performance of 21-year-old Erik Estrada. Since this was
Estrada's first acting role, he thankfully isn't possessing the
Hollywood polish that would be wrong for a violent and hate-filled
character. He does show rage and pain fairly well, and while he is
sometimes a little rough in quieter moments, these slight stumbles
don't really hurt the movie that much. However, the writing of his
character often leaves a lot to be desired. It probably doesn't come as
no surprise as to what happens to the character at the end, but how
this transformation happens is not very satisfying. All through the
movie, the character of Nicky Cruz is filled with hate and anger, right
up to the climactic sequence, where in just a few minutes he... well, I
said you could probably guess what happens. The movie simply fails to
show the inner workings of Cruz's mind at this moment to make
believable what happens. Also, the scripting of Cruz and the other gang
members don't really explain why these individuals drifted into gang
life into the first place. At one point someone says, "Being in the
gang, fighting, stealing, shooting dope is their way of proving they
are a man," but there's got to be more than that in my opinion. The
movie doesn't explore the gang members enough to show how their
criminal minds could be changed. But that's not the only way that the
screenplay for The
Cross And The Switchblade
stumbles. The movie also inaccurately portrays what race relations must
have been like in the time and place (pretty much no real outright
racism at all in this movie), and we are told things like a deep
addiction to heroin
can be completely cured in a cold turkey style in just a few days of
sweating it out.
To be fair, when it comes to other portrayals of drug
addiction in The
Cross And The Switchblade,
the movie often doesn't shy away, showing everything from cooking and
shooting up heroin, and showing the awful effects of a drug habit. And
I guess that director Don Murray does also show the frequent violent
lifestyle of street gangs, though I couldn't help but notice the
often-poor choreography of the gang fights, such as the actors often
being afraid to land blows near other actors' heads. But most of
Murray's direction is far from satisfying. Though the true life events
the movie is recreating took place in the 1950s, the movie is filled
with later model cars and other anachronistic details. The movie also
looks pretty cheap, with sets, cinematography, and other technical
details (including the opening credits) looking like they were taken
from a modestly budgeted television show of the same period. But the
worst thing about the direction is the pacing of the entire enterprise.
The story plods on at a pretty slow speed, and often losing focus on
the characters of Wilkerson and/or Cruz. It's made even worse by the
fact that the running time of the movie is elongated to more than 105
minutes; there's no reason why a seemingly simple tale of gaining faith
had to run so long and so slowly. As you can see here, there are a lot
of reasons why The
Cross And The Switchblade
has faded away from the general public's memory more than fifty years
after it was first released. But the current copyright owners are still
trying to press the movie to this day, with a DVD that has eight language tracks. But if any
of those foreign language tracks are as poorly made as the English
subtitle option (many
misspellings), all I can say is: God help them.
(Posted July 3, 2020)
Check for availability on Amazon (DVD) -
for availability on Amazon (Amazon Prime Video) -
Amazon for availability of the original non-fiction novel
See also: The Devil's Rain,
If Footmen Tire You, Years Of The Beast