Director: Ted Post
Cast: Elliott Gould, Eddie Albert, Harry Guardino
during a slow time in my schedule, I allowed my thoughts to wander all
over the place. When my thoughts eventually came to the conclusion part
of my brain, they signalled one unmistakable conclusion: that I have
certainly come a long way in many aspects of my life. One of those
aspects happens to be my web site. Sometimes it seems like yesterday
when I first launched my web site all by myself, and its crude
construction at the time still makes me wince a little when I think
about it. But there must have been something good about it, because
after a few years, a major B movie reviewing web site offered to host
my web site and renovate it to a professional standard. I jumped at the
chance, and my hosts carried my revitalized web site for a number of
years that followed. Eventually, however, my hosts no longer had the
time to do maintenance on my web site, and I had to go back on my own.
I was in a panic at the time, having had long forgotten a lot of things
you had to do in order to be your own web site boss. But you know what?
I not only managed to go back to being my own host, I have rediscovered
the pleasure of being my own boss. However, that's not to say that the
years with my host were bad ones in comparison. There were definitely
some advantages there. Certainly, I didn't have to pay hosting fees
during my time with the big B movie web site. But I think the most
important advantage was knowing that I was a part of something big and
important to a number of people. It made me feel good to know that both
my work and I were valued. The knowledge knowing I was accepted and
valued by peers was a good one.
After typing out that last part of that previous
paragraph, I paused a little to think about those feelings, and I
realized that most people do need to feel that they are valued by some
part of this world of ours. I'll give you an example of one thing in my
life where I regularly get that feeling - the job where I earn my
living. Maybe my job isn't one of the biggest at my workplace like the
ones my superiors have, but all the same I do a lot of work for the
organization maintaining various things that help keep the organization
afloat. I
feel a part of something big, and therefore I feel both good and
valued. To tell the truth, I don't know what I would think if I were to
be told my services were no longer needed. Well, maybe I do. Years ago
when I was a teenager, I had a part time job at a fast food restaurant.
I worked like a dog at that job, but no one seemed to realize it.
Eventually, to add insult to injury, the manager told me my performance
was essentially not up to snuff and fired me. I felt angry and
humiliated at the time. Though today I consider the firing a blessing
in disguise since I eventually found better work elsewhere, I can
remember all those years ago that I was thinking various thoughts of
revenge. Among all the things I thought about doing was going to the
restaurant one night when it was closed and filling the keyholes in all
the doors with super glue. I never got around to enacting any revenge
against the restaurant, partially because the restaurant was too far
away from my house, and partially because deep down I realized that I
would almost certainly be suspect number one should any harm come to
the restaurant.
Anyway, I eventually realized that my firing was a kind
of education for me. It made me realize how most of us need to feel a
part of something, and it made me very sympathetic towards people who
are undeservedly removed from some kind of occupation that they have
put their heart and soul into. And I
certainly can understand why those
unfortunate people might enact some kind of revenge against their
former employer. So it should come as no surprise that I have kind of a
soft spot for movies that involve people seeking revenge against
institutions that they were once a part of but were removed from.
That's more or less what the movie Whiffs
is about. But there was additional interest with its star, Elliott
Gould (Busting). Five years earlier, Gould had starred
in the smash hit military
comedy MASH.
But in the five years that followed, his popularity had diminished
considerably. Possibly Gould figured that another military-themed
comedy might help him make a comeback. In Whiffs,
Gould plays a fellow by the name of Dudley Frapper. Frapper has been
stuck as a lowly private in the United States army for the past fifteen
years, and his only relief seems to come from his loyal army nurse
girlfriend Scottie (Jennifer O'Neill, Summer Of '42).
Frapper's grief comes from the fact that the army, lead by one Colonel
Lockyer (Albert, Take This Job And Shove
has assigned him to be the test subject for various experimental
battlefield chemicals and gases. If you think that no good can come
from this, you are right - eventually, Frapper is exposed to so many
that not only is his breathing messed up, but also his bedroom
performance with
Scottie. In short notice, Frapper is discharged from the army and is
given a small disability allowance that no one could possibly live off
of. To make
matters worse, his ailments prevent him from getting and keeping
employment in the civilian world. One day in civilian life, Frapper
bumps into Mulligan
(Guardino, Lovers And Other
a former prisoner who was also subjected to chemical tests by the army
and also given a raw deal. Eventually, Mulligan proposes
an idea to Frapper: They will steal from the army the chemical that
hurt Frapper, spray it over a town, and while the townspeople are
rendered useless, the two men will rob the town's financial
Doing some pre-viewing research on Whiffs,
I uncovered some things about its background that both intrigued me and
filled me with dread. I found out that the movie was an effort by Brut
Productions. Yes, the same company that made Brut cologne and other
cosmetic products while under the control of George Barrie. And Barrie
put a personal touch on Whiffs,
writing with Sammy Cahn a song for the movie - "Now That We're In Love"
- that got an Oscar nomination for Best Song. All that sounds
intriguing, but what filled me with dread was knowing that Barrie and
Brut Productions were also responsible for the insane family movie Hugo
The Hippo. So deep down I was expecting the worst with Whiffs. Well,
after watching the movie, while I can't say that it is as gruelling an
experience as Hugo
The Hippo,
it is all the same a very, very bad movie. First I'll get out of the
way the only thing that I found positive about the entire experience,
that being that director Ted Post (The Baby)
does manage to use the Panavision photography to compose some pretty
impressive-looking shots, most of them being outdoor sequences. These
shots are even more impressive when you consider how most of the rest
of the movie clearly shows how low budget the entire enterprise was.
The opening credits state proudly that the movie was made without
the cooperation of the United States army, and it shows. We don't get
to see much of the army base from the outside, and when we do, it's
clearly a warehouse storage site that has been hastily decorated with
army vehicles and a few other army-related props. It gets worse from
there, and if the movie hadn't been photographed in that Panavision
process, you might swear that it had been a made for television
production instead of a feature film.
As I have made clear several times over the years, I am
more often than not able to forgive a movie for a cheap look if it
manages to compensate in other areas. Eye candy does help, but it only
goes so far. But the problems in Whiffs
go far beyond a shabby appearance. One of the biggest problems I had
with the movie were the so-called heroes. I didn't care about them in
the very least for two reasons. The first reason was that they were
stupid. If you remember what I said about the Dudley Frapper character,
it's that he had been a willing test subject for various chemicals for fifteen years.
Anyone with a lick of sense would know that no good could eventually
come of this, but apparently not Frapper. I was angry at Frapper for
being so utterly stupid. Maybe if he had been of reasonable
intelligence and was conned by a sneaky Colonel Lockyer to volunteer
for one chemical test - and
getting sick from this one test alone - then I could sympathize with
this character's dismay about getting discharged from the army. But
even then, there would be something else about this character that
would make me dislike him greatly, and that would be his scheme to
spray chemicals over the town in order to rob its banks. As it turns
out, he uses the same chemicals
that made him sick, so he is risking innocent civilians (including
children and babies) to get the same health problems that he himself
now has. Even if the chemicals he uses didn't have any long lasting
health risks, he would still be risking the lives of many civilians.
What if, for example, someone in the town got gassed while driving a
car at a high speed?
It isn't just the characters of Frapper and Mulligan
that are totally lacking in sympathy, but everyone else in the movie.
Colonel Lockyer is a heartless leader, though that is expected. What
you may not expect is that the supporting protagonist characters also
fail to win us over, namely because they aren't given much to do.
Frapper's girlfriend Scottie is forgotten for large chunks of time, and
other characters like an investigating policeman (played by Alan
Manson) and a pilot (Godfrey Cambridge, Five On The Black Hand
don't even get proper exits from the narrative. With the characters so
badly written on more than one level, it probably comes as no surprise
that none of the actors seem to be trying hard. That is, except for
Elliott Gould, who apparently had such contempt that he seems to be
trying to give the worst performance he possibly can. Needless to say,
like the rest of the cast, he isn't the least bit funny. But even if
Gould and the rest of the cast had been ready, willing, and able, they
would have found it extremely hard to wring just a single laugh from
what director Post and screenwriter Malcolm Marmorstein apparently
though was funny. See Gould walk into a closed door! See Gould wear a
funny wig! See Gould wear a funny hat! See Gould and Guardino in their
underwear! See Gould numerous times get attacked by a wheezing spell!
See innocent civilians en masse lying on the ground and having
seizures! See a soldier's helmet fall off while he's been transported
in the back of an army truck, causing him to express dismay! All of
which is staged and executed with the heaviest hand you can think of,
and having not one drop of comic energy to it. I'm in no mood to laugh
after sitting through the dismal Whiffs,
so I won't end this review with the expected gag of saying that this
"whiffs" stinks. I'll just say that unless you have the interest of
tracking down the worst movies made that have managed to receive an
Oscar nomination, don't even try to sniff this obscurity out.
(Posted December 11, 2018)
for availability on Amazon (DVD)
See also: Private Popsicle,
Weekend Warriors, Whoops Apocalypse