Brady's Escape
Director: Pál Gábor
Cast: John Savage, Kelly Reno, Ildikó Bánsági
you have been reading the reviews on this web site for quite some time
now, no doubt you have come up with some conclusions about me.
Hopefully one of those things is that I certainly know my movies. But I
am sure that the one conclusion that is on top of your list is that I
am king, confident and knowledgeable in every way you can think of.
Though I can understand why you might be thinking that, I have to
confess that I am not perfect. There are certain areas of life I have
found to be quite pressing, such as when I took algebra in high school.
How I managed to (barely) pass that subject after failing so many exams
in the class I will never know. Then there are areas of life that while
I have never actually experienced, I know for a fact that I would be
hopeless at. One such area that thankfully I have never experienced is
participating in combat. Think of any specific detail about warfare, I
know I would be so absolutely hopeless that I would put myself and my
brothers in arms in serious danger. Even basic training would be
an impossible challenge for me, remembering how repeatedly humiliated I
was in physical education class when I was young. And it would just get
worse for me after basic training class was over. I have to admit that
I don't usually work well under pressure, so trying to fulfil my
military role while bullets are flying around me would be a challenge
more intense than any I have encountered up to this point of my life.
Of course, the thought that I could be killed or horribly mutilated by
the enemy in many unexpected ways wouldn't exactly fill me with
confidence once shoved into whatever battlefield I would be assigned.
killed or mangled in combat is certainly one of
the biggest reasons that I greatly hope that I would never be sent to
fight a war, but there is one other war scenario that I think might be
even worse for me. Getting killed would (hopefully) be instantaneous,
and mangled
would in many cases have me sent quickly to medical staff that could
treat me... but there is no easy way out for the problem of being stuck
alone behind enemy lines. Whatever situation leads to that particular
problem, I don't at all like the idea of being on my own where help is
nowhere to be found. When this situation is brought up in popular
media, more often than not it's to do with World War II. True, there
were many Allied soldiers who got stuck behind enemy lines in Europe
and managed to find their way home. In fact, there were enough that
Allied commanders came up with The Flying Boot patch, awarded to flyers
who found themselves in enemy territory and yet managed to find their
way home. (Kind of a cheap way to award courage and resourcefulness, if
you ask me, but I digress.) Maybe I would have a chance if I was in
European Axis territory in World War II - I am Caucasian, like those in
German army, so I wouldn't immediately set off any warning bells, at
least if I managed to ditch my uniform and get civilian clothing. And
it could be worse - there is always the problem that I could be stuck
in Axis territory in Asia. I don't look the least bit Asian, so there
would be the problem of trying to escape when I don't look anything
like the local population. I'm sure there were some Allied soldiers in
that situation who did manage to escape, which makes me wonder why
popular media looking at World War II escapes focuses more on escapes
in Europe than those that happened in Asia.
Since I have a secret fear of being stuck behind enemy
lines in a war situation, you can be sure that when I have had an
opportunity to watch a movie about escaping from such a situation, I
have taken it. Most of these movies have dealt with World War II
escapes, as you've probably guessed.
All have been very informative,
some also being very entertaining like The Great Escape and
The One That Got Away.
Recently I came across another such movie, one that intrigued me more
than usual when I found a copy. That movie was Brady's Escape.
There were several interesting things about it. One was that the movie
was a U.S.-Hungarian co-production, done while The Cold War was still
raging on. And the director chosen to helm it - Pál Gábor - was
Hungarian, not an
American director as you might have assumed for a movie with heavy
American backing such as this. The idea of a Hungarian-helmed
action-packed movie intrigued me. The cast also interested me - not
was John Savage (The
Deer Hunter) in it, but also the child actor from the two Black Stallion
movies, who didn't have much of an acting career outside of those
movies. Here's the plot description: It's the year 1944, with the
Second World War still raging. A man by the name of J.W. Brady (Savage)
is a pilot with the American Air Force. During one mission, while
flying over the country of Hungary, his airplane is shot down by Nazi
forces occupying the country. Brady survives the plane crash, but finds
himself stuck in an unfamiliar land where the enemy is almost
everywhere. But he's not alone for long. He soon comes across a number
of csikos - Hungarian cowboys
who control a number of horse herds in
the area. They see Brady as an ally, sheltering him from the Nazi
occupiers, and soon Brady is good friends with them, in particular with
a young Hungarian boy named Miki (Reno). But during all this, the Nazi
S.S. are relentlessly trying to find Brady, and soon both Brady and the
csikos know that Brady will have to risk everything and flee the area,
somehow making his way back to Allied occupied territory.
As you can see from that plot description, Brady's Escape
had a premise that could lead to all sorts of scenes with action and
suspense, one reason I was looking forward to watching it. But as I
indicated earlier, the Hungarian angle intrigued me as well. Prior to
watching this movie, about all I knew about Hungary was that it
produced Tony
Curtis' parents, a post-war revolution, as well as the weird animated
movies Hugo The Hippo
and Cat City. I
was hungry to learn more about Hungary, a country and culture I had
little prior knowledge of. But in the end, I was sorely disappointed by
the small amount of education the movie provides. Oh, you do get to
learn a few things. We get to see the native dress the csikos wear, the
homes that they inhabit in the countryside, and a few brief moments
showing how they tend to their herds of horses. But that's about it
when it comes to learning about various aspects of Hungary. Most of the
movie takes place in the wilderness, far away from many things that
might give the audience insight into Hungarian culture. And even when
the Hungarian characters are up front and center, we don't get to learn
that much about them or their feelings about various things. There's an
intriguing moment early in the movie when the csikos, upon finding
Brady, let the audience know through their conversation that Hungary is
allied to Germany, and that they seem to resent the Americans and
British bombing their towns. But they ultimately decide to help Brady
because Hungary is being occupied by the Germans, and these conflicting
views are quickly forgotten about and are never brought up again. Apart
from there being no movie if they didn't decide to help Brady, there
has to be more than that to explain why they decide to risk life and
limb to help Brady. Exploring their minds about war issues could have
been really interesting, but the movie simply doesn't do this.
It probably comes as no surprise that the Hungarian
characters in Brady's
are also weakly written when it comes to making them
individuals. For example, there is a Hungarian woman named Klara
(played by Ildikó Bánsági) who tutors the Hungarian language to Brady
in order to aid his eventual escape. As you may expect, the two
eventually reveal a passion towards each other, which is out of the
blue since neither Klara nor Brady showed any kind of growing
attachment to each other previously. This may have been realized by the
filmmakers, because the passion is subsequently forgotten about and
never brought up again. In fact, none of the other characters in the
movie have that strong of an individual nature. Wortmann (played by
Ferenc Bács), the local German commander hunting down Brady, has just
one line of dialogue that explains his determination to find and kill
Brady (his family in Germany was killed by a bombing). The character of
Brady is also surprisingly weak. He likes to tell Miki stories and
songs from America, but we never really get to know what's going on in
his head. For someone stuck far behind enemy lines and in risk of being
captured and killed, he surprisingly doesn't ask that many questions or
struggle that much in learning how to survive. Needless to say, Miki is
also weakly written, never once explaining in detail why he is risking
his life to make sure that Brady escapes the clutches of the Nazis. In
case you are wondering about Kelly Reno's performance as Miki, well, he
simply isn't that good. To his credit, he does try to give his speech a
Hungarian accent, but it often comes across like he hasn't fully
swallowed a bite of food he took from the craft table behind the camera.
fact, probably due to the weakly written characters
in the screenplay, none of the other performances in the movie manage
stand out. For one thing, it extremely hard to get involved in the
plight of the character of Brady when John Savage performs in a manner
that suggests his character is taking his plight in a remarkably calm
and unconcerned reaction. It doesn't help that the recording of the
various actors' dialogue is often muffled to a point that you can't
understand what they are saying. As it turns out, there's much more to
blame for the movie's failure than just the script and the actors. Much
of the blame falls on the movie's director, Pál Gábor. I know that he
must have been hampered by both the strict communist control on the
movie, as well as with what sure looks like a low budget. And under the
circumstances, he manages all the same to occasionally stage an
effective moment; a shoot-out sequence and a later massacre are two
scenes that come across as surprisingly realistic and stay in the mind
long after the movie is over. But for the most part, scene after scene
unfolds in an incredibly boring fashion. There is no feeling of tension
for much of the movie; Brady for the most part never seems to be in any
real danger. It also takes more than half of the movie before Brady
gets off his tail and starts fleeing to Yugoslavia, and even when that
halfway point is passed, there's not much more of a spark to what
unfolds on the screen. What even makes the movie more boring is how it
looks visually. The dead grass, the leafless tress, the fog in the air
all combine in a scheme to make sure that the audience gets no eye
candy whatsoever. The movie is so dreary in its look and its telling
that most people in the audience will either drift off to sleep in
short order, or come up with their own plan to escape from sitting
through the remainder of the running time.
(Posted August 2, 2016)
Check for availability on Amazon (VHS)
See also: The Inglorious
Bastards, The Mercenary, Salt In The Wound