For A Few Lousy Dollars
Cast: Benjamin Ratner, John Cassini, Frank Cassini
"Lousy" isn't quite strong
enough to describe
this movie. "Rip-off" is closer, but still lacks the venom needed to
this sorry movie to shreds. For A Few Lousy Dollars is
the gutless, most pathetic attempts in cinema to jump on someone else's
bandwagon. Though it would be more appropriate to say the people who
this movie jumped onto Quentin Tarantino's bandwagon after he made his Pulp
Fiction journey, shoved him off, and then claimed that they
everything themselves. Just look at the front of the video box; it
several scruffy-looking men, standing shoulder to shoulder on a city
Shades of Tarantino's Reservoir Dogs. A blurb on the
then has the audacity to scream, "More pulp than Pulp
(whatever that means.) They may have know the lyrics, but they didn't
the music. This movie is all attitude, with no substance and no
It takes a long time to
figure out just what
the hell is going on in this movie. That's because the events of the
are shown out of order, like they were in Pulp Fiction.
Though Pulp
Fiction always had some kind of understandable story in
each event
- we might not have know everything to start with, but we had an idea
who the characters were, and their relationship to any previously
characters or events. For A Few Lousy Dollars starts
with some unidentified man pulling into a gas station, and going to the
bathroom, hissing to himself that he "f**ked up". Who is he? What did
do? We don't know; the scene continues with him subsequently shooting
people who threaten to rob him, then driving off with a young woman who
was watching. We don't find out who he is until later in the movie, and
what he did to upset himself so much even later. In fact, there's no
reason why this scene is here in the first place - we learn later it's
just a minor incident linking two more important (relatively speaking)
incidents together.
This kind of scene
displacement is typical
of the movie's incompetence. The narrative of this movie is completely
jumbled up. There's no rhyme or reason (or even signs of artistic
for this scrambled story-telling. It's as if the movie scenes were
together by random. One lengthy scene is even repeated in its entirety.
The only possible reason the movie may have been cut in this fashion is
that, after figuring out the story and proper placement of the events,
there is pretty much no story. Bullets fly, the "f" word is uttered
more times than in Casino, and hit men stand over a
discussing art ("Art is an important part of society, my friend. It's a
reflection of our thoughts, visions, and self-interpretation."), while
spitting off the roof every five or so seconds. But hardly anything
if you know what I mean.
Instead, the movie seems to
feel that a whole
movie can be made with "hip" and "hilarious" dialogue. One man,
and at gunpoint from the hit men, gets into an argument about Melrose
the hit man who looks eerily like Vincent Vega. Earlier, the hit man
into another argument about The Love Boat with one of his
insisting, "That chick Julie was actually pretty hot," and they argued
about the show for several painful minutes. And Melrose?
is a fine actress!" Though the scene should be concerned with the
man facing possible death, the movie stops cold here so the characters
can argue about Melrose for several minutes. In another scene,
of the characters, stuck in an unenviable position, thinks, "How did I
get into this?", and there's a flashback. Instead of getting a scene
explains how he did indeed get involved, it cuts to a scene where the
is at a table with his friends, and one of them talks about
caramels, and his girlfriend's s**t-tasting lasagna. They then walk out
of the house, and the scene pretty much ends here, going back to the
in his unlucky situation. Seriously. It goes without saying that the
of this movie is incredibly bad. The movie's idea of hilarious humor is
to have the man and his friends start pulling off a daytime robbery in
a pizzeria, and then one of the characters suddenly exclaims he has to
go to the bathroom. ("Why didn't you go before?!?")
What was Bafaro thinking of?
I have absolutely
no idea, except that whatever he was attempting to do, he did it badly.
The movie is photographed surprisingly well, with everything looking
and very colorful. But Bafaro keeps the camera so close to the action
the characters, it's often difficult to know just where we are, and
is going on. He tries using visual and editing techniques to make
look cool, but it backfires. One scene dissolves from one point of time
to a jump in time several seconds later, over and over. Since nothing
really happening in this scene, it comes off looking more foolish than
what you'd think. Aside from the photography, Bafaro seems unable to
with a low budget; in one scene, we hear the sound of
police cars, and shouts from police, but we don't actually see them. A
sequence at a racetrack is accomplished by us hearing the hoofs of
horses and the shouts of the audience and the announcer. The scene
takes place outside the racetrack, where we see a painted sign on a
(looking nothing like a race stadium) reading "RACETRACK", pointing up
a staircase.
I didn't just get annoyed
with this movie,
as I usually do with a movie that's bad. I actually got angry. For
A Few Lousy Dollars is an utter waste of time, both for the
and for the people who made it. I don't see what the point was for
to all of this effort for something that has no originality and no
If you are going to rip someone off, you should at least show some
in yourself, and put a few new ideas into it, or at least some fresh
spins. Previously, I used to think that the backlash against the kind
movies the works of Quentin Tarantino inspired was wildly excessive;
seeing this movie, now I'm not so sure.
for availability on Amazon (VHS)
See also: Evel Knievel, Phoenix, Route 9